Water Purification

Water Purification

We need to be aware of water purification in challenging purification situations as drinkable water purification will be crucial for survival. Human life is said to be able to go on for weeks without food. Water Purification But without water, it’s only three days as 60% of water purification a human body is composed of water. Most likely you lose mobility within the first day without water. water purification.

Filtering drinkable water is not very difficult. Knowing different techniques can help you pick the water purification technique according to the situation.

So being aware of a few simple water purification concepts could change your stand in the face of a crisis.

Let’s discuss 2 basic Water Purifying techniques we can use in a survival mode environment:

1) Filtration method water purification

You can create your filter. Below is a very simple and inexpensive method. The main advantage of this method is you can create a water filter with minimum resources during the situation. For example, if you are camping or hiking and the water you took with you is not sufficient this could be the best method.

Basic things required:

  • A water bottle (plastic)
  • Sand
  • Gravel (Small & large)
  • Charcoal


filtration method

Step 1:

Cut the water bottle from the center so that the bottom part (Image part number) can be used as a basin to collect the purified water and the top part (Image part number)with the lid to be used to create the filter. Refer to the image for a better understanding.

Step 2:

Pierce a hole in the lid, so this acts as the tap and allows the water to drain.

Step 3:

Open the lid, then place a piece of small cloth. After placing the cloth close the lid. this piece of cloth will act as the final filter.

Step 4:

The top part of the bottle then should be inverted and to the base of this charcoal should be added (a thick layer). This can be obtained from the campfire or you can purchase it and hold it with you.

Step 5:

Then add a layer of sand above the charcoal added.

Step 6:

A layer of fine gravel should be added then and finally followed by the addition of a layer of large gravel

Step 7:

Contaminated water obtained should then be poured onto the last layer.


Water by a river

This can be obtained from a nearby river, lake, surface water drains from a rock, or groundwater (water obtained by digging a hole in the ground).

The samples of water collected in this way are not instant or safer to be used directly. This is because the water collected is not pure(contaminated). Drinking such water can lead to diarrhoea, abdominal discomfort, etc. So, we need to filter them anyway.

2) Distillation method water purification

Water filtration with distillation is a simple yet effective method. You can even use this to filter seawater. 

Basic things required

  • Kettle
  • A piece of hose or pipe
  • A can or a bottle

Step 1: Fix the horse or the pipe to the mouth of the kettle and then place the next end to the can/bottle.

Step 2: Set up a fire (by using stones), to place the kettle with the following setup

How does the water get purified??

Distillation method of water

When the water in the kettle is heated, the water vapor rises, and this then flows through the pipe. When the vapor flows through the pipe, the end part of the pipe is cool so at this point the water vapor condenses and the water is liquified due to the temperature difference.

The water obtained in this way is safer to drink, free of heavy metals, bacteria, and minerals

Key areas we will be discussing are:

  • Water purification basics
  • Purify water with minimal artifacts in the wilderness
  • Purify seawater
  • Find water

One additional point:

Moving water gets purified naturally. While flowing through streams water gets oxygenated and moisturized. So, water in a moving stream is relatively purified,


Using unclean water can cause diarrhoea and that means dehydration. In a survival situation that is one thing, you should avoid.

You can filter water. Purification is a different aspect. Simply you must boil the water before drinking. When boiling let it boil until you see big bubbles, not just the smaller bubbles. This will ensure all the parasites, and bacteria in the water get destroyed.

Also, you can find here What is SHTF?


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