Survive SHTF – Guide to Prepare

Survive SHTF

Do you believe that SHTF will never happen? If you do, you’re not alone. Many people believe that SHTF is nothing more than a Hollywood fantasy. so the prepping guide to survive SHTF is something.

Surviving SHTF is not easy. However, the truth is that SHTF could happen at any time.

So it is an extra advantage of being there with an idea on the prepping guide to survive SHTF.

Here are some tips and the prepping guide to survive SHTF.

What Is SHTF?


SHTF stands for “Shit Hits The Fan.” This term describes a significant disaster or catastrophic event.

Some examples of SHTF events include:

  • A natural disaster like a hurricane, tornado, or earthquake.
  • An unnatural disaster like a terrorist attack or nuclear meltdown.
  • A societal collapse is like a financial meltdown or civil war.

As you can see, SHTF can mean different things to different people. No matter what your definition of SHTF is, it’s essential to be prepared for it.

First Things To Do During SHTF To Survive

Stay Calm

The first thing you need to do is stay calm. It’s important to remember that panicking will only make the situation worse. Once you’ve calmed down, you can start to assess the situation and figure out what needs to be done.

Contact your team or family

One of the first things you should do is check on your family and ensure everyone is safe. Once you’ve done that, you can start to think about what your next steps should be.

Go To A Safe Place

If you’re in an urban area, one of the first things you should do is find a safe place to shelter. This could be a friend or family member’s house, or even a public building like a library or museum.

Gather Supplies

Gather Supplies

If you’re able to, start gathering supplies. This could include food, water, medical supplies, and anything else you think you might need to survive the SHTF situation at hand.

Stay Connected

One of the most important things during an SHTF situation is staying connected. Make sure to keep your phone charged and keep in touch with your team or family so you can coordinate your next steps.

Assess The Situation

Once you’ve taken all of the above steps, it’s time to start assessing the situation. This includes figuring out what caused the SHTF event and how long it might last. Once you better understand what’s going on, you can start to formulate a plan.

These are just some things you should do during an SHTF situation. For more detailed information, please check out our website or contact us for advice.

Things You Will Miss After SHTF

Things you will miss after SHTF

Family and friends

This is probably the most obvious thing people will miss after SHTF. Even if you don’t get along with your family or have many friends, something is comforting about knowing they’re around. And if you do get along with them, then you’ll miss their company once SHTF.

Having a stable job

Many people hate their jobs, but they provide stability in our lives. After SHTF, that stability will be gone, and you’ll have to fend for yourself.


This is another one that we take for granted. We use technology for everything nowadays, from entertainment to communication to work. But after SHTF, all of that will be gone, and you’ll have to find other ways to entertain yourself and stay in touch with people.

Comfort foods

While not all comfort foods are bad for you, they certainly won’t be good after SHTF. You’ll have to find other ways to comfort yourself without relying on junk food.

Running water

Again, this is something we take for granted. We use water for everything, from cooking to cleaning to drinking. But after SHTF, you’ll have to find other sources of water and figure out how to purify it yourself.


Just like with running water, we use electricity for everything nowadays. We rely on it to keep us warm, cook our food, and light our way. But after SHTF, all of that will be gone, and you’ll have to find other ways to survive.

Public transportation

Public Transportation

In most cities, public transportation is the only way to get around. But after SHTF, it’ll be gone, and you’ll have to find other ways to get from point A to point B.

Above are some of the few things we will miss after the SHTF situation. It is not an exhaustive list, but it gives a general idea of what we struggle with. Preparing now for the aftermath is crucial to mitigating some of these struggles.

Possible SHTF Situations Near Future

The covid-19 pandemic is a sobering reminder of how quickly things can go wrong. This is a kind of SHTF thing that happened to the whole world in 2019. We can say it has slowed down humans’ actions and lives. Million people are dead. Most governments are trying very hard to survive this epidemic.

Some other SHTF things are happening right now because of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Most countries’ economies are down. Currencies are flowing down. Especially even the developed countries have met this situation.

On the other hand, every country suffers from a lack of medical facilities. Millions of people die worldwide because there are not enough medical supplies.

All the social activities, gatherings, and fun events were canceled in every corner of the world to stop the pandemic. This has dramatically affected the personal life of the people.

Many of them are depressed or anxious because of human contact. There is more chance this will affect the children’s mental health. We can describe this as the ‘Great Depression 2.0’.

As this is writing, Russia is invading Ukraine. Thousands of soldiers and civilians are dead already. This is the most recent tense situation in global level politics. Many Social and political analysts warn about the world war 3 situation.

With the global epidemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, there will be a hella lot of SHTF things around us globally.

FAQ on Survive SHTF


What is the first thing to do when SHTF?

The first thing to do when SHTF is determined is which items you’ll need and how much of each item you’ll need. The location of sources for these items and the probable cost of these items. Where your supplies should be stored for safety and accessibility – if it’s possible, devise an alternate plan in case those source points are inaccessible at any given point in time due to disaster factors or lack thereof.

How do I start preparing to survive SHTF?

One of the best ways to start preparing for SHTF is by gathering information about what could happen and how to best prepare for it. This might include studying natural disasters and familiarizing yourself with survival skills. It’s also essential to build up a stockpile of food, water, and other supplies that will help you survive in a crisis. Finally, make sure you have a plan for how you will evacuate your home or shelter in place if necessary.

Also, you can find here How you can plan of prepare for survival.

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